Floral species

The e-FLORA-sys floral species database is fully accessible to all users. The information can only be changed by a webmaster. The information in the database are from different French and international sources.

If you wish the seizing of a new specie or of information about an existing one, contact a webmaster by clicking here.

Consult the grassland species database

The database contains more than 20,000 grassland species. Click on the “Species” tab in the left menu to display a list off species present in at least one of the sample entered in the database.

– To display all the grassland species on the base, click “View all species“.



– To view information on a grassland species, click “View”.

– To see picture of the grassland species, click on the ‘camera’ icon.



Search for a grassland species

– You can quickly search for a species via the ‘Search’ box. The search can be done in Latin, French, English, German or Spanish for key names and synonyms. You can enter all or part of the name. If you can not find the species sought, try again without any accents or special characters (“é”, “à”, “ñ”, etc…)

– Click on “Search” or “Enter” on the keyboard. The site then displays a list of species that contain the search term.
